14 research outputs found

    Breakthrough innovations: The impact of foreign acquisition of knowledge

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    Treballs Finals del Màster d'Economia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2014-2015, Tutor: Rosina Moreno SerranoBased on the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel, this paper explores the role of R&D off shoring on innovation performance from 2004 to 2012. Specifically, we focus our attention on the impact of different types of off shoring governance models into the profitability of developing a breakthrough innovation. Our study provides evidence that forms developing a breakthrough innovation tend to beneffit more from the external acquisition of knowledge than those engaged on incremental innovations. We also find evidence that acquiring knowledge from forms outside the group is more profitable than in case they do it with forms within the group. Finally, the external acquisition of knowledge tends to present a higher return on breakthrough innovation in the case of taking such knowledge from the business sector and not from universities or research institutions

    Technological cooperation and R&D outsourcing at the firm level: The role of the regional context

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    Much has been said about the role that technological networking activities play on the innovative performance of firms, but little is known about the relevance of the context where the firm is locate shaping the efficiency of such networking activities. In this article we hypothesize that the transformation of firms' networking activities into innovation may vary depending on the regional environment in which the firm is located. For Spanish manufactures in the period 2000-12 and through the use of a multilevel framework, we obtain that after controlling for the firm's characteristics, the regional context has not only a direct effect on firms' innovation performance, but it also conditions the returns to firms' networking activities, although differently in the case of cooperation and outsourcing. Cooperating in innovation activities is more beneficial for those firms located in a knowledge intensive region, whereas R&D outsourcing seems to be more profitable for firms in regions with a low knowledge pool

    Radical Innovations: The Role of Knowledge Acquisition from Abroad

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    This paper explores R&D offshoring's role in radical product innovations. These innovations are important for companies' growth strategies, and we check the extent to which companies rely on external sources, which may bring knowledge that differs significantly from that already present internally. The evidence for Spanish firms between 2004 and 2013 shows that R&D offshoring influences significantly the intensity of radical but not of incremental innovations. This influence is apparently smaller when external knowledge comes from universities or research institutions rather than from the business sector. The recent financial crisis also exerted a detrimental effect on this influence, as compared with the previous period of economic growth

    Breakthrough innovations : The impact of foreign acquisition of knowledge [WP]

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    Based on the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel, this paper explores the role of R+D offshoring on innovation performance from 2004 to 2013. Specifically, we focus our attention on the impact of different types of offshoring governance models on the profitability of developing breakthrough innovations. Using a novel methodology for panel data sets, we control for the heterogeneity of firms as well as for the sample selection and endogeneity. Our study provides evidence that firms developing breakthrough innovations tend to benefit more from the external acquisition of knowledge than those engaged in incremental innovations. We also find evidence that acquiring knowledge from firms outside the group is more profitable than doing so with firms within the group. Moreover, the external acquisition of knowledge tends to present a higher return on breakthrough innovation in the case of taking such knowledge from the business sector rather than from universities or research institutions. Finally, the recent financial crisis has led to an increase in the return of the foreign acquisition of knowledge on the generation of breakthrough innovations

    R&D offshoring and firm's innovativeness: The role of firms', regional, and sectoral characteristics

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    In my research, R&D offshoring is the central area of work about which I have built my thesis. Even though not a recent strategy, firms have recently realized about the importance of accessing to others’ knowledge in order to survive, grow, or approximate to leadership. The objective of this thesis is, first, to study how foreign knowledge may have a differential effect on the firms’ innovative processes depending on the type of agent (knowledge coming from private or public institutions from abroad), as well as on the economic cycle (comparing the pre-crisis period with respect to the crisis one started in 2008). Second, through the perspective of the Economics of Innovation and Regional Economics fields, try to understand how the regional knowledge environment might affect the relation between networking strategies and firms’ innovative performance, and to evaluate how the regional stakeholder’s knowledge affect this relationship. Finally, investigate what effect does it have the externalities coming from R&D offshoring, and its possible social benefit for the firms in a given sector. That is, to study the aggregate effect of the sectoral level of R&D offshoring on firms’ innovative performance

    R&D offshoring and firm's innovativeness: The role of firms', regional, and sectoral characteristics

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    [eng] In my research, R&D offshoring is the central area of work about which I have built my thesis. Even though not a recent strategy, firms have recently realized about the importance of accessing to others’ knowledge in order to survive, grow, or approximate to leadership. The objective of this thesis is, first, to study how foreign knowledge may have a differential effect on the firms’ innovative processes depending on the type of agent (knowledge coming from private or public institutions from abroad), as well as on the economic cycle (comparing the pre-crisis period with respect to the crisis one started in 2008). Second, through the perspective of the Economics of Innovation and Regional Economics fields, try to understand how the regional knowledge environment might affect the relation between networking strategies and firms’ innovative performance, and to evaluate how the regional stakeholder’s knowledge affect this relationship. Finally, investigate what effect does it have the externalities coming from R&D offshoring, and its possible social benefit for the firms in a given sector. That is, to study the aggregate effect of the sectoral level of R&D offshoring on firms’ innovative performance

    R&D offshoring and firm's innovativeness: The role of firms', regional, and sectoral characteristics

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    In my research, R&D offshoring is the central area of work about which I have built my thesis. Even though not a recent strategy, firms have recently realized about the importance of accessing to others’ knowledge in order to survive, grow, or approximate to leadership. The objective of this thesis is, first, to study how foreign knowledge may have a differential effect on the firms’ innovative processes depending on the type of agent (knowledge coming from private or public institutions from abroad), as well as on the economic cycle (comparing the pre-crisis period with respect to the crisis one started in 2008). Second, through the perspective of the Economics of Innovation and Regional Economics fields, try to understand how the regional knowledge environment might affect the relation between networking strategies and firms’ innovative performance, and to evaluate how the regional stakeholder’s knowledge affect this relationship. Finally, investigate what effect does it have the externalities coming from R&D offshoring, and its possible social benefit for the firms in a given sector. That is, to study the aggregate effect of the sectoral level of R&D offshoring on firms’ innovative performance

    Technological cooperation, R&D outsourcing, and innovation performance at the firm level: The role of the regional context

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    Much has been said about the role that technological networking activities play on the innovative performance of firms, but little is known about how the regional context influences the efficiency of such networking activities. In this paper we hypothesize that the transformation of firms' networking activities into innovation may vary depending on the regional environment in which the firm is located. For Spanish manufactures in the period 2000-12 and through the use of a multilevel framework, we obtain that after controlling for the firm's characteristics, the regional context has not only a direct effect on firms' innovation performance, but it also conditions the returns to firms' networking activities, although differently in the case of cooperation and outsourcing. Cooperating in innovation activities is more beneficial for those firms located in a knowledge intensive region, whereas R&D outsourcing seems to be more profitable for firms in regions with a low knowledge pool

    Technological cooperation and R&D outsourcing at the firm level: The role of the regional context

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    Much has been said about the role that technological networking activities play on the innovative performance of firms, but little is known about the relevance of the context where the firm is locate shaping the efficiency of such networking activities. In this article we hypothesize that the transformation of firms' networking activities into innovation may vary depending on the regional environment in which the firm is located. For Spanish manufactures in the period 2000-12 and through the use of a multilevel framework, we obtain that after controlling for the firm's characteristics, the regional context has not only a direct effect on firms' innovation performance, but it also conditions the returns to firms' networking activities, although differently in the case of cooperation and outsourcing. Cooperating in innovation activities is more beneficial for those firms located in a knowledge intensive region, whereas R&D outsourcing seems to be more profitable for firms in regions with a low knowledge pool

    Technological cooperation and R&D outsourcing at the firm level: The role of the regional context

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    Much has been said about the role that technological networking activities play on the innovative performance of firms, but little is known about the relevance of the context where the firm is locate shaping the efficiency of such networking activities. In this article we hypothesize that the transformation of firms' networking activities into innovation may vary depending on the regional environment in which the firm is located. For Spanish manufactures in the period 2000-12 and through the use of a multilevel framework, we obtain that after controlling for the firm's characteristics, the regional context has not only a direct effect on firms' innovation performance, but it also conditions the returns to firms' networking activities, although differently in the case of cooperation and outsourcing. Cooperating in innovation activities is more beneficial for those firms located in a knowledge intensive region, whereas R&D outsourcing seems to be more profitable for firms in regions with a low knowledge pool